Spring has finally sprung

I went to Hed this week to pick up Sams power-tap and I got to talk to Mr.Steve Hed himself.They're in the need for some wheel builders badly if anyone is interested and has some experience. I told him about how my Alps wheel had a woble to it after just one ride,and he said I can bring it in and they'll swap it out for a Jet.Now thats service.The problem with the Alps is that its a rigid structured rim with just an aluminum rim cap.So when its molded its pretty much where its going to be.The nice thing about it is, because its so rigid if you break a spoke its still rideable,and it doesn't flex as much under alot of torque.It is lighter than the Jet because it only has the rimcap instead of a full aluminum rim with just the carbon skin for aerodynamics.But the Jet is truable.I guess team Discovery will be riding the Jets this year as well.
I actually have this week off which is really nice because I can do all the winter into spring change over.Like I said, you never know when your going to get time off in this business.My boss called me up Sunday night and said I have the week off.I am penciled in for a job down at Valley Fair next week so I hear.I will get to freshen up my sliver picking skills once again.This was perfect timing for a little break with the nice weather and all,I must say.
I put out my KX 125 for sale this week too. Hopefully it will go quick and the for the price I'm asking,which is decent.I have a feeling the Yamaha will be out on the corner for sale soon too.That thing is just a monster.I can hardly move it around with my $1.50 sized frame.Its made for someone 180+ lbs to handle it.If I sell those two then I can get the bike I really want.I am currently looking at the KLX 250. A good bike for cruising on the back roads and equally well in the dirt with some knobbies.I think that will be my keeper.Braaaaaaaap