Sunday, July 30, 2006

R&R (sort of)

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Ahh,sit back and enjoy 

Who invited Ted Nugent? 
This weekend was a little longer for me since I had to call in sick on friday.My immune system just couldn't take it anymore and I cought a cold from a guy at work.I put in a good 3day block of training monday through wednesday on top of working in nasty, germ infested,damp hot air in an unventilated hallway in a low income highrise.I would just look at the sheetrock and I would be sweating like a pig.I can't remember the last time I called in sick but with the conditions and the way I felt it had to be done.Saturday I felt a little better and I left the house early for a 50-60 mile flat ride on the Dos-Nine.I put some cross tires on it for the road and it works slick.Sam on the other hand put in almost 100 miles on the mtb going down to Hastings and back.When I pulled into the driveway on my motorcycle he was spraying himself down under the hose.
Saturday evening was the bachlor party for my cousin who's getting married next weekend.Me and Sam are groomsmen for it.We bbqd some brats&burgers and ate a bunch of junk food and then walked out the backyard to golf .My cousin lives next to the first hole on the back 9 of the Chominix golf course.None of us play much golf so we just laugh at each other as we send balls into the woods,ponds,backyards,sand traps-anywhere but the fairway.Anything over 100 yards I would just use the driver since I had better luck with that.I did par the last hole FYI.Alot of the fun for us was driving to the ball and the next tee-Dukes of Hazard style.4 wheel slides into turns,and seeing how close you can get to the other cart after a full skid were common.
This week the relitives are comming to town for the wedding.Thursday-Saturday are booked for us.It will be fun seeing everyone again from out of state.Have a good week.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lebenon hills

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Too lazy to write,so watch a video of the local trails (Mick;you will get the helmet cam back, I promise)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mid -Season Break

Haven't had much time or motivation to write a post.Red wing last weekend was the steamiest race I hope I'll experience.When I got home the dewpoint read 79.I had reasonable start going in the singletrack behind Ian Stanford.It was a short lived race as I went otb and hyperextended a finger or two.After that I couldn't hold on to the bar and bagged it.The big story is what Sam did.On the start he clipped a pedal on a corner and was dead last going into the singletrack.He is an excellent heat rider and he fought his way up to Jay Richards.It was an exciting sprint finish for 3rd but Jay beat him at the line.From last to 4rth is an incredable effort.
Thursday came around and I felt like I needed to finish a race this month and it was the last thursday night at Buck.188 people made it out that night.The start was hecktic as usuall.I lined up second row and right off the line someone pushed Shane over into my line and he had to unclip.Seeing myself at the back, I put in the biggest effort I had and b-lined it right up the far right side of the road and made it back up to Sam.We were still below top 10 I think.When I hit the pavement climb on the first lap Sam passed me like I was standing still.I was even out tof the thinking I was feeling better.The last two laps traffic was heavy.188 people on a 15 minuite lap,and you catch them quick.I was content to stay behind Jan Rybar and a few other guys.Like I say, I haven't been doing much riding prior and I just needed to finish a race.Sam once again gained time and made it up to Brendan who was 4rth.I didn't look to see my placement,I'll guess 12th or so.
Yesterday we went up to Maplelag resort.Jay was hosting his Tour de Resorts preview.14 of us gathered for a 35-40 mile point to point ride from Pinehurst to Maplelag.We had a little "drama" in the beginning as Jay would call it.He was tightening his rear sckewer when it snapped the end off.Then a few miles down the road Zigs blew his rim appart it was the craziest thing I've ever seen.Luckily a cop was passing by so he got a ride back to his truck.The course would follow alot of dirt road,4-wheeler trails,ski trails,and logging roads.Not alot of climbing at all.Roadies would love this one.It would be a Bigring Bash.I do have to agree with Jay in that the last dirt road section was a bit long.It would be nice to hit some atv trail or something somewhere in there.We all had a good time keeping the pace easy/moderate.I think it would be a race that would quickly grow.Alot of people like to do the point to point mass start classic rides.I have to say thanks to Jay and his wife for all the hospitallity and great food we had a great time.

I made another water bottle hand off thingamajig.A totally different design,and alot better.I'm still tweeking it a bit but I think I have the main concept down.This design is cheaper,easier,and faster to make too.I had better get a patent on this one.Someone posted pictures of it on skinnyski under the redwing race so hopefully nobody takes my idea.I also converted some road shoes into mtb shoes.They work pretty good.I'll have them for the dry races I won't use them in the mud.

No racing for a few weeks now.Weekends are full with golf,bachlor party,wedding,and just chilling out.It will be nice to stay home and take care of stuff.I'm going back to the drawing board and write out a plan of attack for the end of the season.Have a good week-E.O

Monday, July 10, 2006


I think I blinked and the week went by.The trip went well and had an awesome time riding in the black hills.Sunday and monday of the trip we did Needles,Iron mt road and the road from Keystone and Hill City to make a loop from camp.Did the loop and reversed it the next day.60 miles with 6,000ft of climbing per day.Just leg stretchers for the big horns.We got to see a massive rv try to squeeze through the tunnels down Iron Mt.Too funny,can't these people read the signs before they turn onto the road.Monday night the fireworks at Mt Rushmore were fabulous.Tuesday we drove to the big horns and just scoped things out a bit and plan some rides.This was our first time in the big horns and there are trails everywhere.We camped at Meadowlark Lake resort because they had showers.I wouldn't recommend it though,its a bit run down and I would rather use the lake or a stream before I would use those bathrooms.Nasty.The next day we did our 5 hr epic.We started on a dirt rd and rode along the west side of some mts.After going over a ridge we heard a plane comming and I had the camera ready.But it stayed on the side we just went over.A little while latter some atv'ers were like did you see that B1 that just flew over,it was so low to the ground.Crap!thats something I've always wanted to see.We hit some horse trails at the end of the road and it was hike a bike for a bit through the boulder fields.We got turned around a bit because the trail disappears when we got to some mt meadows.We then back tracked a few miles and took an atv trail up to Lilly Lake.Mostly it was hike a bike for what seemed like miles.Its totally different riding in the mts.You can't expect to do 40 miles in 2.5 hrs like around here.Granted we did some sightseeing and alot of map reading but it took us 5 hrs to do 40 miles.When we got to lilly lake I thought we were pretty much done climbing.Wrong,more hike a bike here and there, followed by a long granny gear climb to Bald ridge.After taking in the sights for a bit we started the decent.It was nothing short of epic.The trail flowed beautifully and had rocks strewn about to keep you on your toes.One section had little kickers every 50 meters or so for a 1/2 mile or so to add to the fun.I almost had to rest on the downhill from the forearm pump.Great fun.I was beat after that day.
That was the end of feeling good though.I got sick that night and was forced to sit out all day thursday.I think I had a cold and flu which my dad had a couple weeks before we left.We camped at Sitting Bull campground which is right across hwy16 from Meadowlark Lake.Its a National forest campground and is the best one I've been at.Highly recommended.You can pitch your tent right on the edge of a meadow in the pines with an enormous view of the mts.Thursday night we played night frisbe with our neighbors at the campground.They were from Blaine,MN and one of them works at Guidant in Arden Hills.It was two brothers with their parents and kids.They've stayed at the same site every year for the last 8 years.Fun people to be around.For me, meeting new people is always a highlight of a trip.
Friday before leaving the Big Horns I wanted see if I could ride one last time.I felt like crap and the power meter was agreeing.I could hardly squeeze out 200w.I climbed from the bottom of tensleep canyon to the campground.I climbed about 1,000ft less than Sam.Sam went all the way to the summit of powder river pass and I picked him up there with the truck.5,000 ft of climbing in 21 miles.It was about a half hr down and 1:45 to climb it.We drove to Spearfish and camped for the night.The next day we went to Sioux Falls and I sat in the air conditioning at the motel in front of the tv.I still had no appitite and had to force myself to eat something.
Sunday I was in no condition to race so I sat it out and watched.Sam started out slow but turned on at the end and finished 9th.Brendan took his first MNSCS win beating out Jay Richards by 2 min.Dave Meyers took an impressive 3rd on his singlespeed, thats power.
The good news is I'm working in air conditioning and my legs are feeling the best they've felt in months despite having the cold still lingering around a bit.Thats enough typing for now-E.O.