Keep on truckin

Thats what its all about,whoever can crank over a big gear for a long time will do good at the Chequamegon. I liked the idea of a slower roll out through town because some people just freak out when they're in a big group and end up taking out others with them. Even still there seems to always be a crash at the start and the first I witnessed was Selander Sr. on his cross bike. When the slinky effect occured, tires squeeled and I saw him slide into the ditch,and as his head hit the ground another guy ran right over his head.That sight made me a little nervous for a moment.When we hit Rosies field everyone lets it all go and its chaos for a bit as everyone tries to position.At the top of Rosies, I pointed out to Sam Doug going into the ski trail on the front.I wasn't feeling good on the start like usuall, and just wanted to get through that suffering threshold and into my rythem.I kept Sam in my sights the whole time and as soon as guys started to surge past him I knew he did have it today.Usually he can stick on the wheel and pull away from me but he slowly drifted back to me and we started to work together.Nether of us had the power we wanted on the hills but I could crank it on the flats and downhills.
When we hit the roads and atv trails I was feeling better.But it was too late, the 2 massive groups ahead of us were established and sneaked away from us. So we were stuck struggling with no real group as we would break up,rejoin,and pick up stragglers.I kept thinking of the last 10 miles and that darn last 4 miles of birkie trail where I cracked last year.I did make it up the fire tower climb smoothly and actually felt a bit better after I recovered.I just sat in most the time on the birkie as some guys were doing fine setting pace. I thanked God when I saw the feed station on the end of the Birkie,the hardest part was over. After the last road section we rolled into the atv trails for the last 3 miles and thats where we passed a couple of people cramping on the hills,If your going to cramp thats where it happens.I felt a little surge and went on the last climb with Sam in tow,but he dropped back and I just gave it my all to line. I did beat my time from last year by 10 min! This year was very odd.Ok,last year in simular conditions my time was 2:35 taking like59th place.And this year I finished 2:25 and took 62nd.I was only 15 min back.In 6 min 30 people rolled through the line. It shows how important it is to be a fast starter and establish yourself early on in atleast the 2 chase groups.
Congrats to Doug for taking his 2nd win at the chequamy and getting the 2 fastest times in its history.For a complete review go to
www.skinnyski.com there is just too much to talk about.Check out the pics there too.
I had a great weekend and kind of relieved the season is over.Now the talk will be about remodeling the bathroom and other activities that don't include subjecting myself to complete exhaustion and extreme pain.Later