Man, was I tired yesterday and today.After going in the hot tub at the community center, I relaxed in the beach chairs and I was gone.Only to wake up when one of the lifeguards came to wake me up because they were closing.The place was deserted,all the noisy kids were gone.Today I still was a bit tired, maybe because the heat and humidity was making me drowsy.But man was it hot out there.No wind and and very high humidity.I felt the heat more today than at Wors Cup, I think.
At the start I was in the top ten going into the singletrack.That lap was the toughest for me.They added a bunch of stuff in the course.They put back in the "stairway to heaven climb" which is the steep rocky climb.They also added a new section after the gulley drop,which was pretty cool because you went under a bridge they built, and down into the rock gardens. Then circled around by going up a super steep hill that I had to granny gear up.When you got to the top you went over the bridge that you went under.Anyways yeh, I was suffering and really feeling the heat.I was passed by Caleb Bonnet and then by Sam and couldn't hold on.Then Jan Rybar passed me somewhere on the second lap and I couldn't concentrate that good in the singletrack.About mid lap a Nature Valley rider and Brady caught up and we rode together for pretty much the whole race.We passed Chris Fisher who had cracked bad.On the last lap everyone was slowing down because Jan,Caleb,and another guy were in the same section.But on that climb up to the bridge Brady made a little mistake going up the hill forcing me to get off the bike and run it the rest of the way.He had too big of a gap to bring back and I don't think I would be able to do a sprint anyways.I have to put in a word about Ben Portilla.I passed him on the first lap because he had a mechanical.He passed me back with a quarter lap to go and he made his way up to 8th.The thing is after he got his mechanical fixed he was in last place in the experts and the comp field was close behind which starts 2 min behind the expert field.He said he was so mad,he was running on rage the whole time.Dang he can pound the pedals.I ended up in 12th.Sam was ripping it up though and took 6th, 2 min behind Jesse Rients.
This was the end of our 9 week racing streak which included some thursday nights at Buck.I'm going to take a little mid season break and do some base miles.I need a break from racing.This weekend me and Sam are going to do a long ride of 5 hrs or so in the Afton and Marine on St Croix area.If anyone wants to join us, drop me an email. I would like to get a group to go.It will be no race.We usually avg 18mph on these things,and we start between 9-10:00am sat.
Oh, my invention was flawless.It worked perfectly.I put it at the top of a climb off to the side,so you just have to swerve over,throw an empty by the base,and grab a fresh one.Let me know if you want one made up.