This weekend was non stop. I kicked it off racing the B class at State Cross Championships. Hardest cross course I've ever ridden. Not a mtb friendly course at all. It was wide open in a lot of sections and groups stayed together. It was a long course also. I heard 2 miles per lap. I wouldn't be surprised if it was longer than that. I got the hole shot to stay out of trouble then stayed with the lead group for a couple laps. The legs felt big and swollen after that and the acid was too great resulting in leg lock (cold might have played a factor in that too). I did the best my legs could handle which wasn't much and came in 17th or so. I was expecting more out of myself but some days the body doesn't cooperate. What made it all worth while were the fans. On the stair run up it was like a European race. Fans lined both sides all the way up shoulder to shoulder and really loud. The sand pit was a first for me. When your legs are already at the brink and then you have to power through 6 inches of sand across a volleyball court then run 3 barriers up a hill, it really hurts. John Thompson did very well finishing with Sam in the A race and he is turning 50 this month.
Sat night we went to the MNSCS awards party at Quality: Where was everybody? Sam Brendan and I were the only ones to show from the top 5. Jan and Heath finished out the top 10 that showed. One expert woman came. We won the expert team trophy too with the help of
Jay Richards. I have to put in a congratulations to Jake Richards for making the national development team. Great racing this year.
I finished up the weekend with my first day on the ice today. When I first started out I thought it was going to be a sad day, but I got way better by the time we finished. I was even able to make it to the end of an 8 laper with Ebben and Mike. Mike was the only one from our team to do a Time Trial today. Next week I might start and I know Ebben is going to start just to lay down some base times and see where were at. Floyd was pumped to have pretty much the whole team out there running laps together. He is so proud of his athletes. We finished our session at Mavericks for some roast beef sandwiches and fries.

Suffering near the end

Sam in the volleyball court

Stairway of pain

Top 3 in the MNSCS

Colton Barret in the warm up lane