Anyone who braved the weather today I would think of them as Tough As Nails.It brought flashbacks of Kenwoods from last year.Wind,cold,and rain.Me and Sam set out this morning for Scandia. Sam broke a spoke yesterday and had to run the God awful heavy backup stock wheels on the beater.He was suffering in the wind and so I felt obligated to pull 80% of the way through the headwind.We were fortunate enough that we stayed dry the first 2 hrs to Scandia.As soon as we started back it started to rain and only got worse.A big dark sky was heading for us and we thought "Oh crap, here it comes." Shure enough when we headed south on county 55 the sky broke loose with a massive gully washer. There's nothing we could do about it we were soaked like we just jumped in a lake."No stopping now," I told Sam.Can't stop when its 40 degrees and your wet. Sam for some reason was feeling a bit spry, while I was feeling the earlier efforts from pounding a headwind. I'm sure glad it was a tailwind all the way back otherwise we would have been cursing the wind.We were both soggy and blown by the time we got back.I sure was glad this one was in the record books. This was alot harder than the century we did last weekend and it was only 4 hrs.Thats why we call them bonk bikes, right? Rubber side down-Eric