Friday, April 29, 2005

Tough Week

what crappy weather we're having.I don't think I've taken a road ride in the past 2 weeks where the wind has been under 20 mph.I also had to break out the cold weather clothing which I thought I wouldn't need anymore.Thankfully relief is in the forcast for next week.
Work has been pretty tough also.I started up on mon. again,and we had a big push to get it done.Tuesday I worked 10 hrs, wed.-9hrs, thurs-9hrs,and thank God I got today off and slept in.I was waking up at 4:30am and I would just be beat at the end of the day.I guess the rain came at a good time this week during recovery days.Now Mike is ramping up our training this weekend to get ready for Buck Hill next weekend. Both me and Sam haven't been feeling strong lately.I went to Lebenon yesterday with Chris again and I was getting schooled.My back was in agony from a combination of the rough trails and lifting all week.I'm so glad to be off to let myself catch up on some much needed rest.
I posted another link to my msn group.Its pretty cool,I can upload files to the site so people can view them and I can put all my favorite links on there also.Let me know what you think.

Monday, April 25, 2005

First race of the season!

Posted by Hello This was our first time doing the Dacorah race let alone a Time Trial. It was a long day in the end. We woke up at 4:30 ate quick, and out the door.We met up with Mike at Jeffs house and mike truck pooled us down there.Mikes truck is insane.Its a F-350 turbo with oversized tires,winch, and plenty of bike racks.And He drives it with authority!
Our start times were towards the end.So we had plenty of time to watch everyone else go.I think Paul Hanson gets the fastest start award.All I saw was a cloud of dust come up off the trail behind him and he was gone. Since it was dry this year they lengthend the couse to 11 miles but let me tell you that is some of the most difficult terrain I've ridden. The climbs were so intense,rocky, off camber,and long that it was faster and easier to run up them.Even Jeff had to run some in good traction conditions. The course designer messed with your mind to throw you off also.Like you'd come down the valley and be like "yes big ring here I come" then they send you back up another grueling climb,alot of times you'd find yourself in the wrong gear.The finish was fun tho It was an open big ring brawl, just cookin down a singletrack straightaway,then right at the finish was a little roller you could get some air for a photo. I didn't feel all that great out there but I'm happy with my results.I was only 3 min behind Paul which isn't bad for my fist race.
After the draaaaawn out awards cerimony I walked away with a $130 30 watt light for my bike,Sam won a floor pump and Jeff of course got the winners check.All in all I had a good time and I'm ready for the next one.I'll post a schedual soon.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Fishers Fun Full

Me and Chris had a blast yesterday at Lebenon. All the trails were open so we were able to do the really fun stuff.We spotted Brendon Moore out hammering the trails too. Chris's new Salsa El Santo is totaly bling,he's got that thing tricked out nicely.He even let me ride it a bit.I know its hard to believe but it was my first time riding a full on singletrack.Man,talk about night and day on the downhill.The rear wheel sticks to the ground like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth.I was actually able to keep up with him through the rough stuff with ease.The bike felt lighter than I expected on the climbs and it didn't rob much power.I might have to get one someday.They're alot easier on the body thats for sure.


First Posting

Just getting used to navigating the blog site for right now. I thought I'd try it out and see if I'll like it. I'm off this week and have plenty of time to get stuff around here done.Today I'm going to Lebenon Hills with Chris for a couple of hours to get my skills up to par,and afterwards we're going to REI for a nutrition seminar.
I have a link on the side to check out a photo show I created.This is a slow learning prosses for me and a crash course in html.

made it to Marine on St. Croix,There was a wicked head wind to get here. Posted by Hello