I've been laying low for a while lately. Of course school is taking up all the time. I have that design project due in 2 weeks and I'll be building it this week and weekend. Next week we write up the report and do some Pro E drawings. I can't believe we are mid term already. Time goes by quick when I stay busy. Next semester I'm only taking 3 classes instead of 4. I'm right on the edge of being overwhelmed. I also had a sore throat starting friday so I never raced cross on sunday. Oh, not to mention I mowed lawns all day last tuesaday and friday after chemistry.
Saturday I took the boat over to a nearby lake and tried for a musky. Had a follow-up but that is all. Perfect day to be out on the lake though. When I got home,...you guessed it, more leaves. Saturday was the PERFECT fall day. 60's, sunny and no wind. Now we are paying for it with a week of rain. Can you imagine how much snow we would have if all this precip came in Dec and January. I hope we are not cashing in all our precip from the drought this summer. Speaking of drought this summer, we never had a mud race, but on the other hand look at the Wisconsin races.
Up comming events: MNSCS awards at QBP on sat evening, Silver Cycling banquet party the weekend after, then its deer opener the following weekend. No fall hunting or motorcycle trial riding this year. Speed skating starts up a week after deer season I think too. Then its holiday season and the infamous turkey day ride:)