Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Small World

There's been this guy in my government class that I thought I knew who he was. I thought "no it can't be" so I just forgot it. But finally monday before class when everyone as waiting in the hall; shure enough he was wearing a US Speedskating jacket.I asked "are you Mike Blumel? "Yeah"
I laughed and now we talk speedskating before class.
Here's another one...My Government teacher knows the guy who used to rent out our house before we moved here.After we moved in, Kurt (the guy that lived here) moved behind Don (my govet teacher),they both fished the Snail lake regularily.Crazy how things come about.
Today was the last day on ice.The Oval closes this weekend so I got 2 days in this week.I put in 2 block training days where I skated for an hour then took the skis out for another hour or so.Ouch my legs are toast.I could really feel the skating in my legs when I went skiing.Busy weekend ahead.Jeff Halls banquet dinner on friday, Bike Expo and my birthday on saturday along with a long day at William O'Brian for some extended km on the skis.Add in a bunch of snow removal and homework on top of it,and I have my hands full.Now go wax those nord boards and get outside while the snow is around.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

winter finally makes a full appearance

Looks like I'm going to be racking up the kms on the skis for a while.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Open speed Skating

The guy in front of me is Eric.He's a Dutchman.With the warm weather there was a record 12 guys out on the oval.Made for some good pack skating.Each lap is 400 meters.2x00 meter straight aways and 2x100 meter corners.The problem with the wireless helmet cam is there is no monitor to see if its adjusted right Just gotta guess.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Let the Games Begin

This week I'm going to switch over to the bike and start the base training. Last year I started Jan 1st and was putting in 3-4 hr rides till spring.It was a warm winter and I felt to good to early. This time I'm going to try a different approach.Recently I've been skating 2-3 times a week ,mixing in a ride here and there and skiing. Now that he cold weather is gone I'm anxious to get back in the saddle. I made up my racing calander today and it seems there isn't too many races. We don't plan on doing much road racing if any this year. One big block in the season starts with the France trip, then the weekend after that is the Ore-to-Shore,Welch double header,finally ending with either Spirit Mt or Wors cup stage race.I don't know if I'll want to drive down to the wors cup after all that traveling. I'll have to see how the season is plays out to make that decision.
My project as of late is making a waxing profile sample for John Thompson who owns skijor now. He said he would be interested in selling them next season. There are so many ways you can build these things and most of the big companies i.e. Swix have all kinds of attachments and models. Here at our house we just fastened it to a table with turn knobs. But if you want it potable you need to get a portable table or legs for it.I have all summer to figure it out,but who knows this could be my winter job next year.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Made it through the day.No expensive items sold though. Most people come for the misc. stuff for under $100. Our big items were a couple bikes and a frame.$100,125 for the bikes,and we sold a half dozen wheels.After lunch the place went empty.Too nice of a day I guess.At the end of the day we left with nearly $900 and a little lighter trailer.Not too bad.