Saturday, December 30, 2006

Now Spring is Back

Pack races at John Rose Ice Oval

Rain,snow,slush,rain again,freeze,ice.Make up your mind mother nature.The frost is once again comming out of the ground and its getting muddy,I wanted to go ice fishing tonight but now its raining what gives?The ice is deteriorating fast.They are forcasting 46 degrees on Thursday.Heck I could break out the January.I remember a few years back me,Chris and Matt Gutowski went riding for his birthday Jan or Feb 5th I think it was and the temp was 50+ degrees.We need snow soon and lots of it,for the ski resorts sake.
The ice oval has been fun and this past week I met a girl that Mike Hall is or was coaching,and a fellow Silver Cyclist.He is a big time roller blader and went on the last France trip to the Alps with the club.I watched the pack racing at the oval today.Not many people.Less than an expert mtb race.I want to give it a shot sometime.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter finally showed up

Not exactly the kind of snow I wanted to see.When it rains a bunch before it snows and its 32 degrees you can't really do anything on it.I'd rather get socked in with a 12" dump like Denver is getting.All the nice skating on the lakes is done too.I went yesterday with what time I had and it was sweet,I could go anywhere on the lake with the speedskates,I had to occationally hop over a little crack or heave but it was a blast.
Last Sunday I went to our local disc golf course with my cousin and his friend and played 18.I ended up +9 or something like that.I haven't played in a few years.I got the footage off of a little cordless helmet cam I got.It records on a memory card.I have the older version which runs on 4aaa batteries.The newer model uses 2aa's so I'm guessing you can get a little more run time.I had some problems with it but some higher quality batteries is helping alot.And I'm having problems with uploading video to my server so I'm trying out Google.
Disc golf at Acorn park

I also added a link to Bike Mag's videos.If you want to see some crazyness on mt bikes check it out its amazing.(Warning:some of the background music in the videos contains explicit language.So you might want to mute the music)I also put in a link to some entertaining motorcycle clips.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas is Comming

Cats have it good don't they.Ours is always looking for some heat either from a lap,heater,or usually in front of the wood stove at this time of year.He likes a bit of the outdoors to come inside too.
This time of year its one Christmas party after another.Last friday was the church band party.We did the traditional White Elephant gift exchange.I ended up with an Alice in wonder land wig,fake raindeer antlers for kids,flip flops,and some old diskets.Sam got some fake flowers and I forget what else.Useless stuff none the less.Fun times and good food though.

We had like two days of perfect skating ice on the lakes and the day I get my skates it turns 40 degrees for the whole week and the ice is junk.Luckily I live within 5 miles of the largest cooled sheet of ice in the world. The John Rose Ice Oval.I picked up these bad boys at Gear West.I've been trying to locate some and I talked to some people that had some when I was biking at Mammoth last weekend.I put the classic bindings on thinking they would hold the blade tight to the boot but I think the pilot bindings would work best.
Yesterday I took them out for the first time.Now I haven't been on a pair of skates since high school and even then I didn't do much.They were less stable than I though they would be, but thats because of my lack of experience.Luckily I met a guy to give me a few pointers.We were the only two speedskaters out on the ice believe it or not which was really nice.This guy was in his late 40's maybe and he says he just does it to stay in shape now,but I could tell he was a seasoned vet.I was envious of his form.You couldn't even hear his blade touch the ice,and he was so smooth.I would just get behind him whenever I could and watch to see how he moved.I didn't even try to step turn untill I had about an hour of just getting stable and decent form going straight.It takes alot of concentration to stay steady and smooth.The last half hour I tried step turning finally.I think turning wears you out more than the straights,my legs started to feel the turns alot quicker.I was catching on pretty quick though and I had a good time.Maybe sometime this year I'll try a race!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Next time you think your ride is cold just imagine this.Ice fishing next weekend for shure.