A few big events went on this last weekend.
Fisher Wedding- Chris Fisher married Jennifer Saturday afternoon. Great wedding and a lot of laughs. Funny moment: At the reception Sam, Dave Meyers, Jason Wenk, Paul Hanson, and myself(all mtbers) made up the bachelor table in the very back of the back room. Everyone knows at weddings that when everyone starts tapping on the glasses that the bride and groom need to kiss. Chris and Jen had this wonderful idea that they would draw a table # and that table is asked a question about the bride and groom, if they got it right the bride and groom kissed, if they got it wrong the couples at that table had to kiss. Just before they drew a number we stole the # off the empty table behind us. Right then they called our table 20. We quick dropped that # down and put up 22. They didn't buy it. We were still given a question (relating to biking thank God) and we did get it right. We were wondering where the bachelorette table was, I never saw one.
I haven't eaten so much that night since the last time I was at Maplelag. Before Sam and I went to the wedding we went biking for a couple hrs and missed lunch, so between the ceremony and the reception 3:30-5:00 I had to make a stop at Culvers for an appetizer of a burger, fries and a shake. Then at the reception they had a buffet of those green beans in butter with almonds, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham, turkey, and some killer bread. I made the mistake of keeping a piece of cake sitting in front of me. Paul said it was the best cake he's had and I couldn't take it anymore, I could only polish off half of it. I heard Brendan gets the heap management award for stacking the most food onto a plate. One of the benefits of being an elite endurance athlete is you can eat just about whatever you want in mass quantities and never gain weight(during the on season of course). Chris had also made the decision to rent a Hummer limo between the ceremony and the reception for the wedding party. Me and Dave were wondering how many bikes one could fit on the roof. Anyways Congratulations to the newly wed and thanks for inviting us.
Floyds Hall of Fame Induction- Floyd and some of the team went to Bethlehem, PA for his speed skating Hall of Fame ceremony. He said it went well and he had a great time. He winged an 8 minute speech and donated one of his "wooly" USA jerseys and his skates to the museum which will be moving to Milwaukee soon. Congratulations Floyd on such a life achievement award.
I want to put a word in for Eric Thompson who ripped it up at Sea Otter this weekend too. He took 2nd in the semi-pro short track behind his teammate and Michigan resident Mike Anderson. Eric has been one of the workhorse for the team this year being a freshman and all. He's putting in his time now so when he is a Jr and Sr in college he will be set up for the wins. Get this, both Mike and Eric's last 3 laps in the short track were faster than Sam Schultz and Ryan Trebon's last 3 laps. Not bad for a couple 18 year olds. In the xc on sunday Mike took 2nd and Eric came in 14th. He said he didn't feel good at any part of the race. He pointed out the lack of sleep because he had to sleep on the floor of their room for a couple nights. His true fitness is just starting to sprout now, it will be interesting to see how far he can make it.
Sunday was Sam and my first time on the dirt. We did 2 laps around Harmon then rode down to Battle creek and did 2 laps there. It was about 3.5 hrs total in 70's and sunshine. I'm sporting my first biker tan(burn) lines of the year. All the food from saturday pulled me through well and I had no problems. Its also a good sign that Sam never dropped me on any of the climbs and I did my fair share of pulling during the ride. It feels good to be on the fat tires again.

Lees-McRaeCollege bike team- Eric is 4th row 3rd from left