Saturday, February 28, 2009

Change of seasons

I had my last skate today at the Oval. We raced a 500m and a 1000m. I was paired with little Ducker in the 500 and Amanda in the 1000. Ducker creamed me in the 500 because I was shortening my stroke too much. I was relaxed in the 1000 and got a 1:33:34 or something. After that Sam and I went to Wirth and did the golf course and out to the 394 where they stopped grooming. Perfect march day out there. The snow was finally fast. 90% of the season was Start green for me and really squeaky snow. I had red LF and it was oh so fast in the sun. Sounds like the snow will mostly be gone by next weekend, that means it it time to start logging miles on the bike. This week I'll ski as much as possible and maybe take a few days to do some strength training hopefully by the end of the week the roads will be good to go.