Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Trick or treat 10k

No I didn't go shining deer last night.I went on my annual trick or treat run.I go up around Turtle lake which is just over 7 miles round trip.I found this guy laying on the side of the road fresh as could be.I could still smell him.I'd say he got hit within the last 15 minuites that I saw him.Just before I say this guy I was running down the trail with my headlamp on and I see these 2 glowing eyes running straight towards me.I knew it was a deer but it was still eery.
I stopped in for a sugar load at the Thompsons house because they live right off my running route and I haven't seen them in a while.We talked a while about our winter plans and skiing.I think I'll be seeing them more this year and hopefully I'll be able to train with Eric.Eric had a fantastic finish at the last cross race finishing 4th in the A class.He will be going to nationals this year.

This is the biggest holloween set up in the area.Every year they add something more.The homeowners own the Keys Cafe restaurant.The kids get candy while adults get margaritas.The Harbor place development next to us gets the most trick or treating activity in town.


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