Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wish I had something to talk about other than training or the weather but I don't. It was a weird day today. Even though I am putting in a substantual amount of time this week and still getting over a cold I was totally wired at work. Does that mean I'm in for a nasty crash at the end of the week? All I know is I need to see some sun out pretty soon because the drearyness is getting old. Rain,snow,rain,snow....common make up your mind! Now it looks like the bike is going to be the way to go this weekend.I'm not complaining or nothing but I would like to see some stability in the weather.I gotta get my bike ready for tomarrow, so I won't bore you anymore with my lame posting. Check back this weekend.

If anyone is interested in a 3-4 hr ride this weekend in the Scandia/Stillwater area let me know. We can use more company.


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